Monday, May 3, 2010

Solar Water Pump

For my birthday I also got a solar water pump for my livestock fish tank. We found an old water pump at a garage sale and I wanted to pump some water up it to look like water coming out of the pump. But we didn't have any electricty near by so I found this solar pump to do the job. It was a little pricey and I wish the pump was bigger so more water comes out. But it does the job I wanted and looks and sounds like running water.

Here's some of the goldfish in my tank. I think there is about 16 in there. The water is a little dirty cuz I'm stirring up all the gunk and cleaning in out.

Fairy Houses

For my birthday and Mother's Day my daughter-in-law Amy painted 2 of my gourds to look like fairy houses. Aren't they adorable! The top picture are the backs of the gourds and the bottom picture is the front of the gourds and the door knobs are little button and some gold sewing pins. I need to put a sealer on them then I will put them outside and they will be the beginnings of a fairy garden. Thanks Amy I love them!!